
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Calendar Coloring- Adding Inexpensive Variety to your Day!

This time of year, calendars are CHEAP! 

Last weekend, I picked some up for 50 cents a piece. 50 cents!! I was inspired because there were some calendars where each month had a blank bordered page that was supposed to be colored in each month. I thought to myself, "Self, for this price, I could rip out these pages and they would make nice coloring pages"

So I purchased two calendars and took them home. Ethan was very excited to color on "monkey paper" and "robot paper," and was just as happy to color on the calendar grid. I declare the calendars a hit!!

Got me thinking- it would be just as fun to color on any calendar- and a nice change from coloring on construction paper or coloring books/pages. 

What'cha think?