
Monday, December 23, 2013

CraftingPlay is on Zulily today!

I love myself some Zulily. How surprised and excited I was when I saw one of my illustrations for sale on their page today! If you aren't registered with Zulily, you may not be able to view the link. If that's the case, you can check out/ buy products with the same design directly from CafePress.

I created that design almost four years ago while we were waiting for Ethan's arrival. Pretty neato!

Monday, December 2, 2013

Skillshare Photo Series Class Discount Code

I'm so excited to be teaching a photography class at Skillshare!! 

For my blog readers, you can use discount code SAVE5 to save $5 from now until 12/10/14. That means the class is only $14! 

I love taking classes through Skillshare because they are a great online, self paced, opportunity to learn new skills. I can't be happier to see my content launched though such a great site.

photo series is a set of photographs created with the intent of telling a story, evoking emotion, or causing the viewer to take a closer look at something. Shooting a photo series can be a lot of fun, and working within the parameters of a series can ignite your creativity and advance your photography skills.

As a photographer, I love the creative spark that a photo series gives me. Not only do series inspire me to pick up my camera, but they also are a great way to create a cohesive project from start to finish. My current series, “Little Loves: Everyday Life” is a personal, longer and ongoing photo series that allows me to be mindful of the details and moments of my everyday life.  With this class, I want to share with you the joy and satisfaction of creating a photo series and then displaying it in a collage.

A collage is a great format to display your series (and all the work you put into it), and looks fabulous on a blog, Facebook, greeting cards, or printed and framed on your wall! 

What you’ll learn
In this class we will break down a photo series into manageable steps by:
  • Defining a photo series by looking at examples and resources
  • Learning to develop your idea though word lists, mood boards, and shot lists
  • Discussing basic photo composition and how to strengthen your images
  • Learning about basic photo editing and effects
  • Creating a collage using 4-9 images from your series
Who is this class for?
This class is for anyone who enjoys taking pictures and is eager to take part in a photography challenge.  It doesn’t matter if you’re a beginner, a photo enthusiast, a budding photojournalist, a parent, or heck, you just love documenting life with your camera…this class is for you.

You can use any photo equipment you choose: a cell phone, a point and shoot, or an SLR. You also do not need to have any prior experience with photo editing, nor do you need any special software. I will demo how to use the free software at to do our editing and collage, however you are free to use other editing software like Photoshop if you prefer.

Enroll here.  (remember to use code SAVE5)

Want a sneak peek?

Hope to see you in class!